How important is it to change your air conditioner filters in McDonough Georgia? In this press release JSC Enterprises warns how dirty clogged ac filters are the number one DIY item a Henry County home owner can do to make their central air units run efficiently and optimally. This is the simplest air conditioner repair in McDonough you can do yourself!
Some tips to help with AC filter replacement maintenance
- Buy a years worth of filters at a time if you can. You might be able to save if you buy in bulk.
- Decide in advance if you will be swapping out the air conditioning filter bi-weekly. monthly or bi monthly.
- Set a reminder on your iphone or tablet so it rings the same time each month.
- Is your unit in the attic? Then install plywood flooring so you can walk up there safely.
- Make sure you have plenty of lighting to do your DIY maintenance task safely.
- Make sure you install the filter properly. Many can only be installed in one direction. Look for the arrows on the side of the filter.
- Think about upgrading to HEPA filters for better air quality.
- If you have difficulty climbing into a crawl space or attic to do this then contact your local A/C repair expert to do it for you.